Check out what lab member, Eli, has to say about applying to internship!
My name is Eli (pronounced Ellie) and I am currently a fourth year student. For the final year of doctoral training, students participate in a year of full time clinical practice, known as internship. Applying and interviewing for internship is notoriously anxiety-provoking. However, I felt incredibly prepared for this process. Starting in our third year, we began working on our essays for our applications. By the time my fourth year started, I had drafts of all of my essays and a rough list of where I hoped to apply. We had mock interviews during class, and during many of my actual internship interviews, the training directors commented on how prepared William Paterson students always seemed. I was fortunate enough to have multiple interview offers from sites I was especially excited about. At this point, I am eagerly awaiting match day (February 18!) and am excited to see where I match."